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Vedoucí oddělení:
Ve výběrovém řízení




Benešová Ivana
vedoucí oddělení

O oddělení : 

Much has been written about dance, for everyone dance means something different. For some, it can be a hobby, fun, inspiration, relaxation, art, work and even the meaning of life. The Department of Dance and Movement at the International Conservatory of Prague, cooperates with all departments across and our mission is to conservatory dance students to represent a form of freedom, expression. We present dance in the form of interconnection at each department of the International Conservatory. This year we set out to show dance in all possible forms and dance styles. To pass on our experience to students and to use all possible forms together, because dance is constantly improving, modernizing and finding many new and interesting possibilities and forms every day. The Dance and Movement Department has implemented many very successful dance projects in recent years. In cooperation with all departments of the Conservatory, let's name the projects Legend Whitney, Divas or M5J. In addition to the dance itself, we try to present students, especially in the department of popular, jazz or rock singing, with the overall impression of a singer / student / on stage as a big part of a professional presentation. We also emphasize strengthening and strengthening the whole body, on request and compile a healthy diet, we advise the right regime.

Visual for singers, his presentation on stage.

Walking on heels and overall posture.

Communication with the audience, with dancers and with the band.

Expression of body and face.

Correct use of gestures and emotions.

Advice on clothing, hair advice and overall image of the singer.

To find their personality in cooperation with each other.

Healthy nutrition, diet:

Advice on healthy nutrition and lifestyle for singers.

Care of the singer's character and overall image:

Regular strengthening of the overall body.


Eliška Kopecká

Jan Mouca.jpg

Jan Mouca

A graduate of DAMU in dramatic education, she also studied physical theatre and dance at the AHK Theatre School in Amsterdam, to which she spent several years after studying. After the babies were born, she accepted a place in the children's theater ensemble, with which she played hundreds of performances across the republic. In addition to playing, she has always devoted herself to dancing, teaching children's dance and motion education, choreography and, more recently, being a certified yoga lecturer. 

2017-2021 Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts-katedra choreografie (ukončený bakalářský program)

2013-2017 Taneční centrum Praha-konzervatoř o.p.s., ukončené absolutoriem (DiS.)

 2009-2013 Vyšší odborná škola pedagogická a Střední pedagogická škola

Litomyšl, Komenského nám. 22


Jevištní praxe

Spolupracuje s operním baletem Národního divadla v Praze (od sezony 2022/2023)

Tanečnice v black light theatre WOW

Tanečnice v interdisciplinárním divadelním představení Chymická svatba-režie Walladimír Kiseljov


Kannon dance contemporary company Saint Petersburg (3 roky)

Účast v choreografiích a tanečních projektech Artura Gallimulina, Valerie Kasparove

Účast v baletu Louskáček v choreografii Vladislava Borisova a Andrea Merkurieva



Pedagogická praxe

Prague synchro- synchronizované krasobruslení- vedení klasického tréninku (dosud)

Soukromé hodiny baletu pro děti a dospělé (dosud)


Baby dance Praha-balet pro nejmenší

Vedení přípravného oddělení konzervatoře Taneční centrum Praha o.p.s. (3 roky)

Taneční a pohybová průprava, letní soustředění DDM Praha 5 (4 roky)



Absolvované lekce, vzdělání pod vedením:

Klasický tanec- Olga Muchortova (4 roky), Ludmila Siroznikova, Andrej Stelmachov, Natalia Misiura, Adéla Pollertová, Jiří Horák, Viktoria Vrublevska
Charakterní tanec- Viktoria Sakova (4 roky)
Choreografie- Svetlana Anufrieva (4 roky)
International workshop of contemporary dance- současný a klasický tanec (Jan Kodet, Isaak Spencer-Johan Inger repertoar, Václav Janeček)
World Dance Movement (Itálie)
Letní taneční soustředění s Bralenem, Rastislav Letenaj
Contemporary dance Saint Petersburg (Artur Galimullin, Valerie Kasparova, Balázs Baranyai, Nikita Markelov)
1999-2009 Základní umělecká škola Bedřicha Smetany Litomyšl- taneční obor (absolutorium)

Absolvované teoretické semináře a workshopy:

DNS- kurz Dynamické neuromuskulární stabilizace podle Koláře
Seminář "Jak z trémy udělat svého pomocníka" Ivo Kahánek
Seminář "Úvod do psychosomatiky" s MUDr. Danou Hlaváčkovou


Denisa Grossová

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